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Friday, July 29, 2011

Army, Baby!

I am pretty dang proud to say that my husband has served our country while serving in the Army.

One evening while strolling through a fabric store with me, he suggested that I start doing some military themed car seat covers. I had thought of that before, but had been unable to find any super cute military-esque fabric. We looked at that particular fabric store that night and found nothing. Another good idea put on the back burner.

Seriously not even a week later, one of our Facebook fans asked for an Army car seat cover. So I went to work spending I don't know how many days searching for cute military fabric.

At some random little fabric store (in Michigan, I think) I found some Robert Kauffman "Patriots" fabric. And our first, military car seat cover made it's debut.

It has the "Patriot" material on top, with a super soft (fine wale) corduroy camouflage backing.
Our client loved it!! Luckily, there is plenty of fabric left over, so if you know of any Army babies, this could be the perfect gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful creation! My hubby was in the Navy. My kids are bigger now, but I love this idea for the military babies!! :D Also, thanks so much for following my blog.


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