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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Still Movin'...My New Favorite Workout!

Remember {this} post? The one where I told you I was working on losing weight for not only a Biggest Loser Couples Edition game with my family but also to earn a trip to Hawaii my hubby promised me if I were to reach my ultimate weight loss goal?

Here's a quick update.

1. The Biggest Loser's game went great! I lost more weight in those 3 months than I had ever been able to before. My husband and I lost to my brother and his fiancee by less than a percentage point. Grrrr.
2. Christmas came right after we ended the game. I gained ALL of my pounds back and them some. Double GRRRR.
3. Spoke to not one but two different doctor about my weight concerns. Neither one of them were concerned enough to help me. Triple GRRRRRR.
4. I am signed up for not one, but two, 5Ks in March. I am NOT a runner. I loathe running. But, I'm doing it. Slowly. Whether or not I'll really be ready for those 5Ks is another question!
5. One of my really good friends here just found out that they are moving to Hawaii in June. I now have even more motivation to earn my trip.

I'm feeling like it's an uphill battle right now. But, I have an awesome support group AND my favorite new workout!!

I'm sure some of you have heard about the Deck of Cards workout. I never had, so I'm going to share it with you just in case you haven't heard about it. It's super easy.

For each suit, assign it a specific workout. When we did it, our first round was just for lower body. It went something like this:

Hearts: Lunges
Spades: Toe touches
Diamonds: Crab kicks
Clubs: Monster walk (which is basically walking in a squat position)

Start at the top of your deck. For each card you draw, you do the assigned exercise in the amount the card says. Let's say you draw the 5 of Hearts. That means 5 lunges per leg. Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces are worth 15 reps. A Joker is also worth 15, but you get to pick which workout you do. Does that make sense?

You can work your way through the entire deck or set a time limit. We started with a 5 minute warm up walk and then did 15 minutes lower body, 15 minutes upper body and 15 minutes of abs. I could not walk for 2 days after, but it was amazing!! I LOVED it! I loved that it changed up enough that I didn't get bored and I could handle it. I also loved that we were only focusing on one section of the body for 15 minutes. I can handle anything for 15 minutes.

Obviously, you can assign any type of repetitious exercise to each suit. The flexibility to change it up however you want makes it even better. If you need any ideas, though, let me know. I'd be happy to share! And if you try it out, let me know how it goes!!


Megha Silvano said...

great workout idea!

Angela said...

inspiring post! I'm glad you have so much support from your husband + family!


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