Monday, November 3, 2014

DIY Clothing Rack

Remember how I mentioned that I've got a couple of huge craft shows this month?  Well, the first one is next weekend.  I've been freaking out about how to do my set up for this show and I happened to stumble across a tutorial for a natural clothing rack.  I instantly fell in love, texted all the details to my awesome hubby and put him to work!  One quick trip to the store, less than an hour in the garage and I ended up with this:

I loved it!  I plan on hanging all of our baby blankets on it for our shows.
(There are a gazillion more blankets...I just wanted to get an idea of what it was going to look like)

But.  As much as I loved it in it's natural and simple form, I had to add some color.
Enter a quick run to JoAnns for some spray paint:

An hour outside taping and painting,
and voila!!

My gorgeous new clothing rack that cost less than $20.


By the way...this blanket is brand new to the shop and available in 3 other colors.  Come check it out!

 photo kadydidSIG1_zps512264ed.png

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