Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lenz Frenz Needs Help!

Don't forget about our Valentine's Day Giveaways going on over HERE!!


It's been awhile since I've posted anything about our Adventures in Amblyopia.  For the moment, life in the world of my son's eyesight is pretty quiet.

I was recently contacted by the founders of Lenz Frenz to see if I would be willing to help spread the word about their new product.  After checking out their website, Facebook and Kickstarter pages, I really felt like I had no choice!  Lenz Frenz is behind these adorable stuffed animals, designed to keep your child's glasses safe and secure.  Lenz Frenz came to  pass after a young boy nearly lost his eye due to a tragic bullying incident.  I love that this family turned something awful into such an amazing product!

Have a child wearing contact lenses?  There's a Lenz Frenz for those too!  Not only are they great to keep your child's glasses safe, but they are also a "glasses buddy" for your child; a stuffed animal to love that wears their own pair of glasses too!

In order for Lenz Frenz to fully come to pass, and be widely available, they need fundraising help!  Even a dollar or two is helpful.  You can find their Kickstarter program HERE.

As a mom to a young child in glasses, I am constantly concerned about how other children will perceive (and accept) my son and his glasses.  So  far, we haven't had any issues.  Unfortunately, I know other's haven't been so lucky.  I love the story behind Lenz Frenz and love what they're trying to accomplish.  And I am all about trying to help other companies that I feel would be beneficial to young children in glasses.  So.  If you can pay it forward with just a dollar or two to help this company get their product out there, that would be great.  I cannot wait to order my son his very own Lenz Frenz!

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