First of all, let me start off by saying that I am NOT a huge party planner.
I don't believe in spending huge amounts of money for birthday parties or making them a huge spectacle.
I make them simple and as cheap as possible; otherwise I have to outdo myself in following years.
Having said that, let me show you the Robot Birthday Party I did for my 4 year old son, "K" (which really is his nickname, by the way, and not me just protecting his identity).
The Table
Obviously, there has to be food. For the birthday party, we just stuck with simple cupcakes. I made him a robot cake for his actual birthday (which you can see below). I had special ordered adorable cupcake toppers, but they didn't make it here on time. What can you do?
One of my son's all time favorite things to do is build robots from his Trio cubes.
I asked him to help me with the decorations by making a few robots to put on the table.
He was happy to help and was so proud of his work!
Juice jugs were the beverage of choice,
(which we learned after the party that they aren't really so yummy, as NONE of the kids would drink them)
I wanted to keep sugar at a minimum,
so all the kids got cheddar snack mix and string cheese to munch on, which they all loved.
All printables were purchased from Doodle Prints.
The other aspect of the table decor were these cute wind up robots.
We used them later on in the party for an activity.
The Activities
Our first activity of the afternoon was for each of the children to decorate their own robot costume
I spray painted 8 paper grocery bags silver, and then cut holes for their heads and arms.
I then gave them paper cut in different shapes, glue sticks and crayons and let them go to town.
They were all quite excited to model their costumes when they were finished!
(My oldest son is the one on the far left. K is the 4th one in; wearing navy shorts)
After the kids were done with their robot costumes, we did a quick robot scavenger hunt; looking for photos of robot pieces. After they found all the necessary pieces, they came and picked out one of the wind up robots that were on the food table.
When everybody had their little robots, we went outside where I had drawn a little race course. At the finish line, I placed a gold chocolate coin for each of the racers. As soon as their little robot made it to the finish line, the child got to eat their gold coin.
Their wind up robots did not go straight at all; they were super loopy and crazy, which just added to the fun.
After presents and cake, each of the kids got to take home one of these little guys, which actually has a robot eraser inside of it.
(I'm really sad I didn't get a photo of the actual erasers. They adorable!)
That's it! Pretty basic, quite affordable but lots of fun for a group of 3-5 year olds!
Oh. This was his actual birthday cake. I got the template for it at Betty Crocker.
It's not perfect, but he loved it, so that's all that matters!
What a fun birthday party! Love the grocery bag robots -- so clever and creative -- and the birthday cake is perfect with all the M&M buttons!