Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Mother's Heart

It is super late and I should be sleeping.  Instead, I am wide awake, watching over my babies because of some random blog post I read on my phone while trying to wind down and fall asleep.   The post I read is over 2 years old; about a mother who tragically lost her 16 month old little girl.  So, instead of sleeping, I crawled out of bed, picked my baby girl out of her crib and rocked her while sobbing my eyes out.  I cannot begin to imagine that mother's nightmare.  I cannot imagine anything worse than losing a child.  And because that has always been such a huge fear of mine, I will probably be up most of this night; continually checking on my three little loves.

As much as that mother's blog post absolutely broke my heart, it serves as a good reminder to me that a) life is so precious, b) Heavenly Father is totally in control and c) there is NO greater calling than being a mom.  I definitely need to remember to slow down, spend more time with my children, be a little lot more patient with them and bask more in the job of loving and raising these 3 little ones that is mine and mine alone.  Is every day easy?  No.  Do I sometimes want to pull all my hair out?  Yes.  Do I struggle daily wondering how to best meet the needs of each child and worry that I am doing them a huge disfavor?  Absolutely.  But would I trade any of it for anything?  NEVER.

So.  My goal for the upcoming days is to spend more quality time with them.  No rushing my time with them to get more blogging/Etsy/work stuff done.  No putting them off countless times to get just "one more chore done".  This weekend, we are going to make cookies.  And eat cookies.  We are going to go to the park, and play and watch movies and take time to just...BE.

Anybody care to join in my weekend of reconnecting with the little bodies that mean most in this world?  I'd love to hear your plans!


  1. Beautifully written! I am guilty of that, too. Thanks for the great reminder!

  2. Heartfelt and lovely post! And such beautiful children . . .
