Thursday, July 12, 2012

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins

I've been in the mood for autumn lately.  This happens to me every year mid-July.  Since "summer" around here starts in like, March; by the time July gets here I'm sick of it being 112 degrees outside everyday and I'm ready for crisp weather (which we still don't get around here, but whatever).  This said, I've been craving pumpkin and squash.  So today, I braved turning on my oven for a couple of hours while I made these muffins.  They are delicious and healthy and easy.  What more could you ask for?  I adapted my recipe from one I found on-line via Pinterest.

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins

2 c. whole wheat pastry flour                                   1/4 c. canola oil
1 tsp. baking powder                                               1/2 c. applesauce (I used half cinnamon & half regular)
1/4 tsp. baking soda                                                 1/3 c. buttermilk
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice                                           2 eggs (egg substitute can be used!)
2/3 c. packed brown sugar                                       chocolate chips
1/3 c. sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Grease or line 12 muffin cups.

Mix all dry ingredients and then add all remaining ingredients.  Fold in chocolate chips (I just eye ball this...some days I want lots of chocolate, other days not so much, so do whatever looks good to you!).

Divide the batter evenly in muffin pans.  Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until tops spring back or a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Okay.  So the official recipe says that this recipe only makes 12 muffins.  However.  I double this recipe and get 24 mini muffins and 30 regular muffins, so don't be surprised if you try it and get more than just 12 muffins!

And a note about the flour?  Don't worry about them coming out too heavy using all whole wheat if you use pastry flour.  I've never tried just regular whole wheat in this recipe, so I don't know how much of a difference that will make.  But, with the whole wheat pastry flour, they come out light.  I'm sure you could use regular flour or a mix of regular and whole wheat too if you wanted.


  1. Just seeing the recipe's name in EBT had my mouth watering. This sounds delicious and so do a few more of your recipes.

  2. I saw these yummy muffins at the Blissful & Domestic party, and was pleasantly surprised to find myself on your blog! Ha ha! :) I'm pinning these so I can try them out sometime.

  3. I have to try it!New follower from the blog hop.

  4. yum! love a good muffin recipe!

    come say hi at

    have a lovely day!

  5. YUM! Those look delish! I'm stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and am now a new follower:) Would love for you to stop by Crazy Mama Drama!
